OCTOBER 10, 2023

Unveiling the Layers: Richmond Lodge No. 1, Liberty University, and the Opposition to Richmond’s Casino Measure


In the vibrant city of Richmond, Virginia, a socio-political tapestry unfolds, revealing a complex narrative of resistance, power, and socio-economic dynamics. The Richmond Lodge No. 1 of the Good Lions Inc., a non-profit organization, has notably opposed the Richmond, Virginia, Casino Measure, set to be decided in November 2023. This opposition, interwoven with connections to Liberty University and its School of Law, provides a rich context to explore the underlying structures of power, ethics, and socio-economic disparities.

Power Dynamics and Resistance

The Good Lions, in their resistance to the casino measure, showcase a form of power dynamics that is deeply embedded in socio-economic and potentially racial contexts. The casino measure, which aims to establish a gaming establishment in Richmond, has been met with resistance from entities that perceive it as a potential threat to social, economic, and moral fabrics. The Good Lions, by aligning with law graduates from Liberty University, a notably conservative institution, present a resistance that intertwines legal, moral, and socio-economic aspects.

Liberty University, with its evangelical Christian roots, has been a stronghold of conservative political and social thought, often intertwining religious beliefs with political activism. This connection raises questions about the motivations and implications of the opposition to the casino measure, especially considering the racial and socio-economic dynamics of Richmond.

Economic Empowerment vs. Community Impact

The casino measure, on one hand, is presented as a vehicle for economic development, promising job creation and revenue generation for Richmond. On the other hand, entities like the Good Lions, potentially influenced by the ethical and moral frameworks of institutions like Liberty University, might perceive it as a moral and socio-economic threat, potentially exacerbating issues like gambling addiction and economic disparity within the community.

It’s pivotal to explore how these dynamics play out in a city like Richmond, with its own historical and contemporary racial and economic disparities. The economic empowerment promised by the casino needs to be weighed against its potential impacts on marginalized communities, often disproportionately affected by such developments.

Legal Battles and Racial Undertones

The legal opposition to the casino measure, especially when connected to Liberty University School of Law, brings forth questions about the racial undertones and implications of such resistance. It provides a lens through which to explore how legal battles, such as those against the casino measure, might inadvertently perpetuate or challenge existing racial and socio-economic hierarchies.

Community, Ethics, and Economic Development

The ethical frameworks propagated by Liberty University and its law school might influence how legal battles, like those against the casino measure, are framed and fought. The intersection of community welfare, ethical considerations, and economic development becomes a crucial focal point to explore how legal resistance is shaped and what implications it holds for diverse communities within Richmond.

Narratives and Representation

Lastly, the narratives and representations propagated by entities like the Good Lions and Liberty University, especially in legal and social battles, become pivotal in shaping public perception and influencing socio-political outcomes. It prompts an exploration into how these narratives might uphold, challenge, or nuance understandings of race, power, and resistance within the socio-political landscape.

As a result, the opposition to the Richmond, Virginia, Casino Measure by Richmond Lodge No. 1 of the Good Lions Inc., especially in connection with Liberty University and its School of Law, presents a multifaceted scenario that intertwines power, resistance, ethics, and race in complex ways. This exploration invites a deeper exploration into how these dynamics play out within the broader structures of systemic inequalities, providing a rich ground for further research and dialogue.


  • The Richmond Lodge No. 1 of the Good Lions Inc., a group that uses gaming money for charity, is trying to stop a vote that could allow a big casino to be built in Richmond, Virginia, because they think it might take away their gaming money and harm the community.

  • The Good Lions are working with lawyers from Liberty University, a school known for its strong conservative and religious beliefs, to try to legally block the casino, which might hint that their opposition might be based on moral and ethical grounds as well as economic concerns.

  • It's important to think about how the stories and messages from groups like the Good Lions might shape what people think and how they act, especially when it comes to fairness and who gets power & money in the community.